+88 01816-779163

Apon Nibas Briddhasrom is stablished with honest and specific object of looking after the welfare of the oppressed old aged women of the society. But our donors are in limited numbers and the donation is uncertain. As a result, we cannot afford standard accommodation, food and medicine service to the neglected women of the Asrom.

As Apon Nibas Briddhasrom takes care of the destitute aged women who have been abandoned by. their dear one we would request everyone specially the rich and mindful people of the society to extend their helping hands.

With the donation from donors we have already purchased 13.65 kathas of land for permanent address of Apon Nibas Briddhasrom. Now we require to construct a permanent structure for the accommodation of old aged destitute women. So firstly for the food, medicine and care of about 100 aged women and finally for the permanent construction / accommodation of the old aged destitute women you are requested to send donation in Bank / Bkash Accounts.

In English

Md. Monir Uddin
Organizing Secretary
Phone: +88 01711-596706

In Bengali

Sayeda Selina Shelly
Founder & E. D
Phone: +88 01816-779163 | +88 01716-680192
1/6, East Chandpara, Uttarkhan, Uttara, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh
+88 01816-779163
+88 01716-680192